Mayor of London launches #endthehate campaign to combat hate speech

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has launched a hashtag campaign to encourage action against hate speech. He launched the #endthehate campaign through a video on his personal and mayoral Twitter feed in conjunction with his keynote address to SXSW 2018, and also called on social media companies to do more to combat it.

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#MosqueMeToo gives Muslim women space to discuss sexual assault in Muslim sacred spaces

The columnist and gender activist, Mona Eltahawy, started the #MosqueMeToo movement to encourage women to share their experiences of sexual harassment and assault on the hajj and in other Islamic spaces. The movement opens the #MeToo movement up to Muslim women.

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Paris Attacks: Muslims Use #MuslimsAreNotTerrorist Twitter Hashtag To Counter Prejudice

Muslims around the world are making a passionate stand against anti-Islam prejudice in the wake of the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris. At least 127 people have been killed in a bombing and shooting spree in the French capital which Islamic State have claimed responsibility for. Many people pounced on the opportunity to condemn all

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