Nine year-old boy named Islam Screened Out of Television Program

Nine year-old Islam Alaouchiche dreamed of participating in his favorite television program In Ze Bo_teon Gulli, a French children’s television channel. While he was pre-selected by Angel Productions to participate, those responsible for casting informed the boy and his mother that his first name was problematic and might shock viewers. Islam’s mother, Farah Alaouchiche, claims

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Headscarf Law follows Mothers on Field Trips

The HALDE promotes the principle of non-discrimination The High Authority for the Struggle Against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE) has found it “contrary to the principle of non-discrimination on religious grounds” that mothers wearing Islamic headscarves be excluded from accompanying students on field trips and extra-curricular activities. {(continued in French)} FOULARD STATUT DES M_RES ACCOMPAGNANT

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France Resists Ethnic Census

Contrary to certain Anglo-Saxon countries, France has historically refused to count its ethnic minorities, on the principle, engraved in the Constitution, that the Republic only recognises citizens “without distinction of origin, race or religion.” The Europe-wide debate over this rationale began in the 1990s, and the failure of the French model of integration gave new

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