Right Wing Party Trumpets ‘Cost of Immigrants’ in Netherlands

Geert Wilders has publicly announced that the influx of non-Western immigrants to the Netherlands is costing Dutch society 7.2 billion euros per year. Wilders, leader of the far- right Freedom Party, bases his claims on a research report commissioned by the party from the Nyfer economic research unit. Nyfer concluded that immigrants to the Netherlands

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Intercultural communication and higher education

With the rise of new economic powers such as India and China, as well as the ever-growing population with foreign origins in Europe, universities in Austria have begun to recognize the importance of intercultural communication as a field of study. Master’s programs in “Migration management” have been created at the University of Salzburg in cooperation

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Did time in London radicalize Abdulmutallab?

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab spent 2005-08 living in a 3-bedroom apartment in London’s West End as an engineering and business finance student at University College London. Experts wonder whether those years, characterized by anger over the Iraq War and the 2005 London subway/bus bombing, could have played a role in radicalizing Abdulmutallab. While London is an

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Scholars in the United States planning on starting an Islamic college

A plan to launch the country’s first four-year accredited Islamic college is moving closer to fulfilling its vision. Advisors to the project have scheduled to have a June vote to decide whether the proposed Zaytuna College – what some are calling a “Muslim Georgetown” – can open in the fall of next year. Imam Zaid

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Scholar Akbar Ahmed and research team explore Muslim identity in America

A team of five mostly 20-something Americans, led by esteemed Muslim scholar Akbar Ahmed, are crisscrossing the nation on an anthropological mission to discuss American identity, Muslim identity, and find out how well the US upholds its ideals in a post-September 11 world. “As a social scientist … as a Muslim, it was almost my

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