How attitudes about immigration, race and religion contributed to Trump victory

The story of President Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton has been analyzed and reanalyzed, told and retold since November. Is there more to add? The short answer, based on four reports released recently, is yes, and what the reports say is provocative. The reports debunk some of the assertions of why Trump won — his

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How Muslim Women Across the Political Spectrum Are Reacting to Trump’s Win

Early Wednesday morning, Chicago-area physician Ume Khan and her husband Asif woke their two kids to talk to them about Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, Islamophobia, and the Khan family’s place in this country as American Muslims. For over an hour, they answered questions and reassured 9-year-old Rayya and 13-year-old Azmer that “America is

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Clinton Warns Against ‘Inflammatory, Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’

The day after the deadliest mass shooting in American history, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton warned against the possibility of future attacks and went after Donald Trump for “inflammatory” rhetoric. “The threat is metastasizing,” Clinton said in a speech in Cleveland. “We saw this in Paris, and we saw it in Brussels. We face

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The Top 5 Most Islamophobic Reactions to Huma Abedin

Anthony Weiner’s wife has stood by him in a baffling show of support – and the media, both mainstream and right-wing does not know what to make of it. With all the talk surrounding Anthony Weiner’s ( second!) sexting scandal, and what it means for his chances for an electoral comeback (not looking good), his wife

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Ramadan allowed to enter the US

Following the verdict of a federal appeals court, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, issued an order to facilitate the US entrance visa for renowned European Muslim scholar, Tariq Ramadan. Mr. Ramadan’s visit to the US is the first since 2004 when the Bush Administration refused to allow him to enter the country based on allegations

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