Social and economic marginalisation in European cities is a key factor in radicalisation, sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar warns

In his recent article, the sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar writes that a significant factor in jihadist radicalisation in Europe is the “jihadogenous urban structure”, a type of city district which produces jihadists at a much higher rate than other districts by shaping “the identity of those who are socially excluded and culturally stigmatised”.

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Woman charged in “Jihad Jane” case

According to a new indictment, Colleen LaRose, 46, and Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, who traveled to Europe separately to engage in violent “jihad” were linked to each other. According to the officials, LaRose (who called herself “Jihad Jane”) had invited Paulin-Ramirez to attend a “training camp.” Paulin-Ramirez was arrested last month in Ireland along with six

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