Artists withdraw from Bradford Literature Festival after Counter Extremism funding revealed

Six writers and activists pulled out of the Bradford literature festival[BLF], which took place 28th June – 7th July 2019, after it was revealed that it was funded in part by the UK Home Office Programme, “Building a Stronger Britain Together [BSBT]”, part of the 2015 counter-extremism strategy that funds and supports groups “involved in

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Tell Mama’s annual report: 2017 saw record number of anti-Muslim attacks and incidents

The Islamophobia monitoring group Tell Mama has reported that 2017 saw a record number of anti-Muslim attacks and incidents of abuse reported. The group’s annual report identified 1,201 verified reports submitted in 2017, representing a rise of 26% from 2016.

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Far-right figurehead, Tommy Robinson, jailed after violating suspended sentence for videoing Muslims

The former leader of the far-right group the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, has been jailed for thirteen months for breaking contempt of court laws with a Facebook Live video that could prejudice an ongoing trial. His supporters have protested his imprisonment, and Donald Trump Jr. has leant his support to their cause.

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‘Islamophobia’: A contested term in UK discourse

Recent claims that Islamophobia does not exist has prompted questioning over whether the term, which some argue conflates the anti-Muslim and the anti-Islam, is a useful one to use.

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Channel 4’s ‘Who Speaks for British Muslims’ sparks criticism for its allegations about MEND Muslim advocacy group

The twenty-six minute programme, which aired on Channel 4, accused the Muslim advocacy group MEND of being linked to racism and extremism.

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