Law, religion, and ethics experts comment on the proposed Icelandic circumcision ban

Writing in The Religion Factor, experts in law, religion, and ethics have offered their analysis of the proposed ban on child circumcision in Iceland, revealing the nuances of, and the concepts dominating, the discourse surrounding it.

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Proposed Icelandic ban on circumcision accused of attacking religious freedom of Muslims and Jews

The proposed ban on circumcision in Iceland has been accused by Muslim and Jewish religious leaders of attacking religious freedom. Concerns have been raised that the criminalisation of religious practices could act as a proxy for Islamophobia and antisemitism.

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A Mosque in Reykjavík “Threatens” Icelandic Culture

10 July 2013   Former mayor of Reykjavík claims a mosque will threaten Iceland’s culture and safety. Ólafur F. Magnússon, who was mayor for little less than 7 months in 2008, is highly pessimistic about plans of a mosque being built in the open space of in the eastern part of Reykjavík. City council approved

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Iceland: First full Icelandic Muslims marry in the country

For the first time in Iceland, a fully Icelandic Muslim couple was married. The occasion is an important moment for the Muslim community in Iceland, where previously, the country’s very small Muslim population had only seen converts married in the mosque. The country’s first “all-Icelandic” couple married at the Muslim Association Mosque. The had of

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