Islamic feminism in Germany: A contested terrain

As Germany’s politicians ceaselessly question Islam’s place in the country, more and more Muslims take issue with being side-lined in these public debates: it is a discussion about them rather than a conversation with them. As a response, Muslims have striven to organise themselves and to enhance their public visibility. Sociologist Aladin El-Mafaalani describes this

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German Muslim leaders react to Barcelona attacks

Following the recent attacks in Barcelona and the Catalan town of Cambrils that left 15 dead, Muslim figures in Germany have expressed their condemnation of the events and their solidarity with the victims. Germany’s main Islamic associations condemn the attacks DİTİB, the country’s largest Islamic association, issued a press release rejecting all forms of terrorism.

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Three of Germany’s Islamic associations forge an “Islamokemalist” front

Amidst escalating political tensions between Germany and Turkey, three of Germany’s Turkish-dominated Islamic associations have made clear their perspective on the causes of the current diplomatic spat. Joint press release On the anniversary of last year’s military coup attempt in Turkey, the DİTİB, IGMG, and ATİB organisations issued a joint press release, calling for a

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Muslim associations call Muslims to participate at German elections

Sep 19th   The major Muslims associations have called Muslims to participate at the upcoming election for the German Bundestag. Associations such as the Turkish Community in Berlin (TGB), Islamic Community Milli Görüs (IGMG), the Association of Islamic Cultural Centers (VIKZ), the Turkish Islamic Union Institute for Religion (DITIB) and the European Turkish Union have

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Plans for a new mosque centre near Munich put on hold after allegations of Islamism

Munich was to get a “Centre for Islam in Europe – Munich” (ZIEM), which proposed an open, European and German-speaking Islam (see But now the plans by Imam Benjamin Idriz had to be put on hold after allegations that he has close relations to Islamists. A court has ruled that the Islamic community of

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