IS Tweet: Dutchman commits suicide attack

According to information from the website Intelligence Group, an online jihadmonitor, a Dutch jihadi committed a bombing attack. The attack is said to be committed at the entrance of a police head quarter in Syria or Iraq and to have caused tens of victims. The National Coordinator counter-Terrorism and Safety (NCTV) cannot confirm the news

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Zawahiri calls for ‘cleansing’ Maghreb of France, Spain

DUBAI (AFP) – Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri has called for Iberia to be restored to the Islamic world, saying the first step needs to be the ‘cleansing’ of Spaniards and French from the Maghreb. Zawahiri was speaking in an 81-minute documentary-style video entitled “The Power of Truth” made public on Thursday by the US-based

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