Contemporary Muslim Consumer Cultures – an Emerging Field of Study

Consumer culture in the Muslim world, or Muslims as a specific target group who participate actively in a consumer market, are rather new realms for academic researchers. For many Muslims, consumption plays an increasing role in identity formation. Their growing cultural and religious self-awareness transforms markets, advertising strategies and consumer behavior. Muslim consumer culture is…

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Muslim Diversities volumes II and III: ’Circumstances and Change’ and ’Conformity and Conflict’

The “Muslim Diversities” series offers a comprehensive exploration of the diversities that constitute the contemporary Islamic and Muslim social, political, economic and theological landscapes around the world. It challenges and deconstructs the assumption of homogeneity that pervades contemporary understandings of what constitutes today’s “Islam” and “Muslims”. Each of its three volumes seek to present a…

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Muslim diversities: communities and contexts

“Muslim diversities: communities and contexts” seeks to bring together a collection of academic works that extends and informs knowledge and understanding about the diversity of communities and groups that constitute the contemporary Islamic and Muslim social, political, economic and theological landscapes in the UK, Europe and beyond. To do this, chapters are required that focus…

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