¡Matadlos! Quién estuvo detrás del 11-M y por qué se atentó en España’

February 18, 2014   Author: Fernando Reinares Title: ¡Matadlos! Quién estuvo detrás del 11-M y por qué se atentó en España’ Publisher: Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L., Colección: Ensayo ISBN: 978-84-16072-00-2   Ten years have passed since the 11M terrorist attacks in Madrid and finally, the whole truth is exposed in this book. After years of rigorous

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Al Andalus 2.0. La ciber-yihad contra España

This work analyzes the explosive combination of terrorism, new information technologies and historical grievances. The recovery of Islamic rule on the Iberian Peninsula remains an essential objective for Al Qaeda and their allies. The radicals found in the Internet an opportunity to enhance and reinterpret in harsh terms the myth of a paradise taken away

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