A tribute to Gai Eaton/Sidi Hasan

Gai Eaton (1921-2010), or Sidi Hasan, which was his Muslim name, was a diplomat, author and one of Britain’s most influential convert Muslims. In his nearly 60 years as a Muslim he proved that British values are very much compatible with Islamic ones, writes Kristiane Backer in her tribute to a friend.

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Discord at the German Islam Conference: Interview with Abu Bakr Rieger

Abu Bakr Rieger, the president of the EMU Foundation, an umbrella organization for informing about and promoting Islam in Europe, comments in an interview on the German Islam conference. According to him, the whole project has had its downsides from the beginning, when former German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble invited “liberal Muslims”, who were very

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Re-imagining European Identity Politics and the Social Integration of Muslims

In this timely work, Alexander Castilla deconstructs the myth of the so-called clash of Islam and democracy, and examines the forces involving the social integration and religious accommodation of Muslims in Catalonia, Spain during the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States and the March 11, 2004 terrorist attacks in

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How much Allah can the old continent bear?

Switzerland’s recent vote to ban the construction of new minarets has shocked and angered Muslims around the world. But the controversial move also reflects a growing sense of unease among other Europeans who have trouble coming to terms with Islam’s increased visibility. This article examines the state of Islam in the public sphere of many

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Islam in Europa: Eine internationale Debatte

Who should the West support? Moderate Islamists like Tariq Ramadan or Islamic dissidents like Ayaan Hirsi Ali? In early 2007 the French philosopher Pascal Bruckner caused a controversial debate, when publishing a polemics against an alleged liberal consensus of the West about Islam policy. Following Bruckner’s polemics, a controversial debate was carried out on the

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