Imam education in Norway

The faculty of Theology at Oslo University have applied for funding to create an Imam education program. Four years ago Oslo University delivered the same suggestion, and the Norwegian government was positive to such suggestions. Even so, the university did not follow through with their application. Islamic Council and Norway’s Muslim Student Organization are encouraging

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Muslim students want a space to pray

The Muslim Student Organization at the University of Bergen are asking for a space to do salat. According to National Television the University has been positive in its response.

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Islam in Norway

Written by Simon Sorgenfrei Demographics The first Muslim immigrants came to Norway in the late 1960s looking for work. People primarily arrived from North Morocco and Turkish Anatolia, with large numbers coming from the province of Punjab in Pakistan as well. Muslims of Pakistani background is, and has been, the dominant and most visible Muslim

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Liberal Muslims support Danish cartoonist

The Liberal Muslim network LIM (Equality, Integration, Diversity) supports the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and challenges the Norwegian Islamic Council (Islamisk Råd) and the Muslim Student Organization (Muslimsk Studentersamfunn) to join them in a manifestation against religious violence and in support of the freedom of speech. LIM representatives say conservative Muslims and organizations, such as

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