Thousands students from Spanish public schools could be interested in Islamic lessons

Currently in Spain, there are only 46 instructors who teach Islam in public schools. Such Islamic instruction is financed by the Spanish government in accordance with the CIE (Comisión Islámica de España), who chooses the staff that provides the Islamic lessons. According to the estimations of the CIE, there are approximately 120,000 students in Spain,

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Cordoba Mosque incident was an isolated anecdote

Both representatives of the government and local socialist leaders have referred to the Cordoba Mosque incident as unusual, and not at all representative of the intentions of the Muslims living in Spain. According to the quoted authorities there is no fear of repetition of the situation.

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Mezquita de Córdoba incident

An incident between Muslim tourists and guards employed by Cordoba mosque broke out when the visitors started to pray in the building, which is a former mosque that was converted into a Christian cathedral. Demetrio Fernández, the bishop of the cathedral, recently insisted on the ban of Muslim prayers in the Christian cathedral. But members

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Islam in Spain

written by Fernando Bravo Demographics and Immigration [Return to top] It is difficult to estimate the size of the Muslim population living in Spain. Available statistics do not distinguish population according to faith, which means we can only estimate quantity using national origin or national identity as sign of religious adherence. This implies a certain

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One member of Tabligh obtain the citizenship in spite of the opposition from CNI

The Spanish High Court has granted citizenship by residence to a Muslim who belongs to the Tabligh movement. In 2006 the Spanish Government had refused his petition of citizenship as a result of a negative report from the CNI (Spanish Center of Intelligence). This governmental agency defines the Tabligh Islamic movement as intransigent with the

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