Swedish politician threatened

Carl P. Herslow, leader of the right wing populist Skånepartiet, have received threats related to a poster distributed by Skånepartiet showing a drawing of a naked Muhammad holding hands with a likewise naked Aisha. Swedish police says they are taking the threats seriously. Ammar Daoud, representative of a Muslim Organisation in Malmö says the drawing

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Yet another drawing…

The Right wing, populist Skånepartiet (a local party active in Skåne, the most southern county of Sweden) have managed to create a buzz by using a poster showing a drawing of a naked Muhammad holding hands with a likewise naked Aisha. “Is this the kind of marriages we want in Skåne?” reads a text. Accused

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Swedish far right populist takes a stand against the spread of Islam

Kent Ekeroth, international secretary of the far right Populist Party the Swedish Democrats (SD) said in an interview in Swedish Public Radio that SD could be described as an “Islam critic” party, working against the spread of Islam in Europe and Sweden, as well as against the building of mosques and especially mosques with minarets.

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Islam in Sweden

written by Simon Sorgenfrei Demographics Even though Sweden, or what today is Sweden, has a long history of commercial and political contacts with countries dominated by Muslim culture – dating back to the Viking era1 and peaking with Swedish-Ottoman contacts in the seventeenth and especially eighteenth centuries2– Muslim presence in Sweden is a fairly recent

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