Loan Dilemma for Muslim Students in the UK

22.08.2011 In light of changes to the tuition and student loan system in the UK, which lead to higher tuition fees and interest rates on loans, Muslim student groups are calling for a separate student loan system, as paying interest conflicts with some interpretations of Islamic (Sharia) law. This conflict may prevent some Muslims from

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South Carolina bill would nullify Islamic law in state courts

A South Carolina proposal would prevent the state’s courts from enforcing foreign law, including Islamic Sharia law, though Muslim advocates say it could essentially ban religion from mundane matters such as weddings and even burials. The bill makes no reference to a specific religion or country, though its sponsors acknowledge they worry about the ultraconservative

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Non-Muslims turning to sharia ‘courts’ in Britain to resolve disputes

Growing numbers of non-Muslims are turning to Sharia “courts” to resolve disputes in Britain, it has been claimed. Up to five per cent of cases heard by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal (MAT) involve people who do not follow the Islamic faith, it has been estimated. The body operates court-like arbitration hearings in London, Bradford, Birmingham,

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Sharia courts in the UK

For the first time, the Islamic Sharia Council has granted access to a newspaper to observe the entire sharia legal process in Britain. Over several weeks, the author was allowed to witness the filing of complaints, individual testimony hearings and the monthly meeting of imams, or judges, where rulings are handed down. Sharia has been

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The Archbishop of Canterbury senses agreement to his views on Sharia

After his controversial idea of introducing parts of Islamic Sharia to the British legal code, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, is now pleased with support from “a number of fairly senior people”. One year ago Williams had called for Sharia courts to deal with wills and divorce, while only criminal cases should remain

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