President Obama Slams ‘Yapping’ Over ‘Radical Islam’ And Terrorism

He called it yapping, loose talk, and sloppiness. President Obama dismissed criticism of his administration’s avoidance of the term “radical Islam” and urged America to live up to its founding values Tuesday, speaking at length about inclusiveness and religious freedom. Obama called out Republicans for criticizing the way he discusses terrorism and extremist groups —

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Investigations against Salafists in Bremen

March 30, 2014   The district attorney of the City State of Bremen had initiated investigations against four Salafists for “diffusing heavy criminal offenses against the State”. These four men are said to have left Germany towards Syria to fight for Salafist groups. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Bremen assesses religious

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Muslim Women more likely to suffer Islamophobic attacks than men

November 19, 2013   Muslim women are more likely to be subjected to Islamophobic attacks than men, especially if they are wearing the niqab or other clothing associated with their religion, a study has found. Maybe We Are Hated, a report on the impact of Islamophobic attacks, written by Dr Chris Allen, a social policy

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‘Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism’ by Karima Bennoune

Whenever a terrorist attack happens in the West, one of the standard responses in some media circles is to denounce Muslims for not doing enough to speak out against extremism. In “Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here,” University of California at Davis law professor and human rights activist Karima Bennoune shows that in fact, thousands

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Stephen Fry hits back at accusations of Islamophobia

Stephen Fry has spoken of his frustration at being labelled an “Islamophobe” for criticising the violent acts committed by some Islamists. In a strongly worded blog post, the actor and comedian lamented that the “squeezed liberal finds himself in the position that he cannot criticise Islamofascism because it’s somehow ‘racist’”. He continued: “It is a

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