Germany’s Anti-Muslim Sentiment: Key Insights from the Report of the Anti-Muslim Hostility Group

On 30th June 2023, a 400 paged report titled as Anti- Muslim Hostility- A German Balance Sheet 2023 ( Muslimfeindlichkeit – Eine deutsche Bilanz 2023) [fn][/fn] was produced by the Independent Group of Experts on Anti-Muslim Hostility UEM (Unabhängigen Expertenkreis Muslimfeindlichkeit) under the auspices of Germany’s Interior Ministry. The twelve-member[fn] The twelve members of the

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The Alarming Intensification and Globalization of Islamophobia

Jocelyne Cesari, University of Birmingham @jocelyne_cesari The first contemporary occurrence of the term Islamophobia appeared in the 1997 Runnymede report ‘Islamophobia: a challenge for us all’ to acknowledge discrimination against Islam and Muslim immigrants in the UK.  Since 9/11, it has gained political traction over Europe and the USA to decry all types of ethnic

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Sweden: Threats of burning the Quran spark anger internationally

After a far-right party leader threatened to tour the country burning copies of the Quran, riots spread through different Swedish cities for several days in late April. Rasmus Paludan, Danish-Swedish politician and leader of the far-right, anti-immigration and anti-Muslim Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party, held a demonstration that included burning a copy of the Quran in the

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“Civilized versus Uncivilized Refugees”: The Political Consequences of the narrative on the Ukrainian crisis

The conflict in Ukraine has created another refugee crisis. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), in two weeks (since 24 February), over 2 million people have fled Ukraine. Many of them are being welcomed by neighboring countries, particularly Poland (1,2 million), but also Hungary (over 191,000), Slovakia (over 140,000), Moldova and Romania (over 82,000

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Falling support of Muslims for UK Labour Party

On June 14th 2020 the Labour Muslim Network (LMN) released the results of their LMN-Survation 2021 and was one of the first ever opinion polls of British Muslims in the UK. It was conducted in partnership with one of the UK’s largest polling organisations – Survation, and sought to provide valuable insight into the perspectives

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