France’s far-right candidate Marine Le Pen unveils vision

News Agencies – November 19, 2011 French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen unveiled her vision to hundreds of cheering supporters, advocating again for an exit from the euro and tighter border controls. During a speech that lasted more than an hour, Le Pen hammered home the traditional promises of her Front National party: strengthening

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France’s former National Front leader sparks outrage over Norway attacks

News Agencies – July 31, 2011 The founder of France’s far-right National Front sparked growing outrage recently with claims that the Norwegian government’s “naivety” was to blame for the recent mass killing there. Jean-Marie Le Pen accused Norway of not correctly handling immigration, one of the French far-right party’s main policy issues which was also

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French National Front leader says Islam is not compatible with secular society

News Agencies – January 28, 2011 The recently appointed leader of France’s far-right National Front party has turned her attention toward Islam, saying it is “absolutely not compatible” with a secular society. Marine Le Pen, who took over as head of the party two weeks ago, has regularly faced accusations of Islamaphobia. “I think that France

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Marine Le Pen said to be new leader of the French National Front Party

France’s far right National Front has chosen Marine Le Pen as its new leader, replacing her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, party officials say. The results will be officially announced on January 16, but party sources said she had secured about two-thirds of members’ votes. Mr Le Pen is stepping down after leading the ultra-nationalist party,

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Anti–Muslim groups descend on Paris

New Agencies – December 19, 2010 Groups from across Europe gathered in Paris to give voice to increasingly pronounced anti-Islam sentiments on the continent. Claiming to represent a wide range of political opinion, from Marxists and feminists to hardcore secularists and right-wing activists, the groups said they would coordinate their fight against what they call

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