Quilliam Foundation publishes theological rebuttal to ISIS’s manual

The counter-extremism organisation, the Quilliam Foundation, has published a translation, analysis, and theological rebuttal of the “jihadist manual” used by ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram.

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Gender bias: ‘A woman is a jihadist like any other’

Emilie König is a well-known name in counterterror circles and has come to symbolize the relatively new phenomenon of female jihadism in France. The 33-year-old Muslim convert from Brittany is one of only two females on a US State Department list of terrorists and is subject to US and UN sanctions.   On January 17, lawyers for

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France hands maximum sentence to mother of jihadist

Christine Rivière was handed the maximum sentence for her “unfailing commitment” to jihad and for helping a number of women travel to Syria to marry jihadists, including her son. The 51-year-old, nicknamed ‘Mama Jihad’ in the French press, was convicted for being part of a terrorist organisation. The sentencing comes a week after the conviction

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Outspoken defender of women’s rights founds a gender-equal mosque in Berlin

  The – patchy and insufficient – provision of religious spaces and services for Germany’s growing Muslim population has become a fiercely political issue. This is not only linked to a general and widespread sense of hostility towards Islam and its spatial visibility in the form of mosques, minarets, and headscarves. Rather, it is also due

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CNRS study measures French youth support for terrorism

A recent CNRS study has attempted to measure support for “radical beliefs” among high schoolers in France following the November 2015 attacks. 7,000 students, ages 14-16, were interviewed about their opinions on radical religion and violence, the combination of these two factors demonstrating a possible susceptibility to jihadist propaganda. Regarding religion, a minority adhere to “fundamentalism”: 11% believe there

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