“Industrial” Islam

October 19, 2013   In Catalonia, mosques continue to be pushed further away from the city centers and placed into industrial spaces. From the 200 existing mosques in Catalonia, between 15 and 20 of them are located at industrial spaces, according to sociologist expert Jordi Moreras. Moreover, an investigation by the Mossos d’ Esquadra (local

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New Publication: “A Mosque on the neighbourhood.”Conflict, public space and urban integration of the Muslim mosques in Catalonia.

The anthropologist, Jordi Moreras, has published his new book “A Mosque on the neighbourhood”. As a result of a research financed by the Jaume Bofill foundation, the book analyse the different mosque conflicts in Catalonia. The author studies the actors involved, in 25 cases of conflict related with the opening of mosques in Catalonia from

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The Imams of Catalonia

The result of the research done by the anthropologist Jordi Moreras, about the imams of Catalonia reveals that contrarily to what society believes they are not so influent among the Muslim community. One of the arguments Moreras presents is their poor labour conditions as their religious function is not officially recognised and they have no

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