Why did Yale University Press remove images of Mohammed from a book about the Danish cartoons?

The capitulation of Yale University Press to threats that hadn’t even been made yet is the latest and perhaps the worst episode in the steady surrender to religious extremism‹particularly Muslim religious extremism that is spreading across our culture. A book called The Cartoons That Shook the World, by Danish-born Jytte Klausen, who is a professor

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Muslims and the State in the Post-9/11 West

This book assembles leading scholars to analyze the complicated relations between governments and Muslim minorities in Western Europe and the United States in the context of rising concerns about terrorism and security. An introductory article by Erik Bleich precedes essays by Shamit Saggar, Jytte Klausen, Frank Buijs, John Bowen and Christian Joppke.

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Terrorism, Islamism, Salafism in Europe: Are They Connected?

The recent arrests in Frankfort again raise the specter of Europe’s terror hitting the U.S. or Americans overseas. You are cordially invited to a discussion on the arrests in Germany and Denmark the character of European Islamism with Jocelyn Cesari, Visiting Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and Director of the Islam in the West Program

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