French Government Ministers do not share positions on the niqab and burqa

French ministers Eric Besson (minister of immigration), Brice Hortefeux (minister of the Interior) and Xavier Darcos (minister of work) were recently auditioned by the Parliamentary Mission on burqa and niqab use in the Republic. They did not share a common method of how to dispel the “radical and rare” phenomenon. According to Le Monde, they

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Ban Against niqab and burqa rejected by Canadian conservative government

The federal government has turned down the proposal of a Toronto-based Islamic organization to introduce legislation prohibiting Canadian female individuals from wearing niqabs and burqas. The Muslim Canadian Congress had called upon the Stephen Harper’s Conservative government to ban the wearing of niqabs and burqas in all public dealings by introducing new laws. Studying all

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A profile of the imam of Drancy, Hassen Chalghoumi

This article in Le Figaro profiles the challenges faced by Drancy Tunisian-born imam, Hassen Chalghoumi. Chalghoumi claims he has invested a great deal of effort into fostering dialogue between Muslims and Jews, a position which has been saluted by the President of the Republic but is not welcome by all members of his community. The

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