Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and Coordinating Council of Muslims (KRM) delegation meet in Cologne to convey peace

June 16, 2014 Representatives of the umbrella organization KRM (Coordinating Council of Muslims) have met with delegates of the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany). The central theme of this year’s meeting was the contribution of religious communities in Germany to promote peace in society and among nations. In the light of the dramatic situation in

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Muslim reaction to comments of German president Gauck

June 2   Muslim associations such as the Central council for Muslims in Germany and the Council for Coordination for Muslims in Germany (KRM) have criticized the comments of German Federal president Joachim Gauck about Muslim and the belonging of Islam to Germany. President Gauck took repeatedly distance from the declaration of his predecessor Christian

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August 1st: Beginning of Ramadan

22.07.2011 The Koordinationsrat der Muslime (KRM), the Muslim umbrella organization in Germany, which unites Germany’s four largest Muslim organizations, announced last week that Ramadan, the month of fasting, begins on August 1st and ends on August 29th. Then, on August 30th, Muslims will celebrate the Idul Fitr , the end of Ramadan. Aiman Mazyek, the

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Wanted: Teachers for Islamic Education

18.05.2011 The details of the intended introduction of Islamic education in German schools are still uncertain; yet, the demand for well educated teachers for the new subject is already being discussed. As reported earlier this month, the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia aims to introduce the new subject in the autumn of 2012. The state’s

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Plans for Islamic Education in Schools More Concrete

06.05.2011 The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is planning on introducing Islamic religious education in approximately 130 schools next year. To date, it is uncertain, however, how many of the 320,000 Muslim students want to participate in Islamic education. Therefore, the need for additional teachers cannot be determined yet; roughly 60 teachers will complete an additional

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