Islam: the Inauguration of a New Mosque in Turin

Even Turin has a Mosque: it was inagurated in the neighborhood of Lingotto, those present included representatives of the city of Turin, Nichelino and Moncalieri, the ambassador of Morocco, Abdel Aziz Ashak, and others active in Islamic associations across the Piedmont. Lega Nord sympathizers protested outside of the opening festivities.

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Work contracts terminated for Muslim employees

Lega Nord Trentino terminated a cleaning contract with a firm composed of Islamic employees. Don Giuseppe Caldera, in charge of Migrantes and Director of the Missionary Diocesan Centre says it is discrimination and risks instigation of religious hatred. Assou El Bariji, coordinator of immigrant workers for CGIL (left wing Trade Union) in Trentino, denounced the

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Proposed burqa ban in France ripples into Italy

After six months, the French parliamentary committee has released a 200-page report proposing an act banning the burqa and the niqab in public services and offices. However, the ban wouldn’t extend to all public spaces and it wouldn’t necessarily be a criminal offense. The French government considers the burqa an offense to French national values.

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Islam: risk of fundamentalism

The Home Secretary Roberto Maroni, representative of the Lega Nord Party, has expressed his concern towards Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism that is creeping especially in the North of Italy. In this sense, he interprets the Swiss vote as the natural outcome of a legitimate preoccupation that he fully subscribes. The minarets, in fact, are the

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Islam: Siena, Lista Civica; Presenta Ricorso Contro; Moschea Colle Val D’elsa

Esponenti della Lega Nord Toscana saranno presenti al Tribunale di Poggibonsi in occasione del dibattimento sul ricorso presentato dalla Lista Civica di Colle Val d’Elsa (Siena) sul referendum contro la moschea che dovrebbe sorgere, nei piani dell’amministrazione comunale, in localita’ ‘La Badia’. Lo annuncia il Carroccio di Siena. ”Dalla Magistratura, indipendente dalla politica come sancito

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