The mayor of Milan to the interior Minister: “We have to discipline the diffusion of mosqes all around Italy”

Abdel Hamid Shaari, president of the Islamic Institute in Milan, is asking to Letizia Moratti, mayor of Milan, for the authorization to build a new, proper and dignified space of worship for Muslims just outside the city. It would be a small mosque, well connected to Milan and totally self-financed. Letizia Moratti, in turn, is

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The other side of Italy: Where the kebab frightens more than a sawan-off shotgun

A plethora of Mafia organizations are well rooted in the North of Italy, where they aim not only at laundering but also at controlling the territory, local institutions and tenders. When questioned about this Mafia “emergency,” all Northern League politician’s continuously circumvent the issue at hand and continue to focus on security ordinances against sellers

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Ambrogini Prize to the Imam of the Islamic Centre of Via Padova in Milan, Italy

The mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, has awarded a prize (Ambrogino d’oro) to the most deserving citizens of the city of Milan. Among the awarded, the president of the House of Islamic Culture in Milan, Mahmoud Asfa. He pointed out the need, for Muslims, to have small places for worship. At the same time, he

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Italy to help establish biomedical institute

Letizia Moratti, the mayor of Milan, announced plans to acquire what she called a world-class facility and biomedical institute, under an agreement between the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and a top oncology institute in Milan. Moratti recently made an official visit to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in an effort to strengthen ties between the

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