At Averroès Muslim High School in Lille “we feel betrayed and humiliated”

Averroès high school says it has nothing to hide. Former teacher Soufiane Zitouni accused certain students of “cultural anti-Semitism” and others of harboring Islamist tendencies. Following the accusations, the school’s director opened its doors to Metro News. Even as two inspectors of the academy of Lille came to verify that the school continued to respect

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Alleged French radical Muslim killed by police

28.03.2013 Hakim Bengladghem, 39, was killed on March 27 following a police vehicle chase and bullet exchange in which the 39-year-old was lethally hit. The incident happened on the highway connecting Lille and Belgium. Bengladghem a former French Legionnaire, has been under police surveillance and is suspected to have planned an attack against a Belgian

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Muslims in Lille express shock and concern following Swiss minaret ban

This article claims that Muslims in the Northern French city of Lille feel that the recent Swiss ban on minarets sends a very bad message for the acceptance of Muslims in Europe. One man interviewed pointed to the positive incorporation of the Mosque of Paris’ minaret within local architecture.

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The burqa/niqab commission in France auditions less-willing participants

As the French commission on niqab/burqa-wearing, led by André Gerin, heads to Lille, journalists expect more heated discussion as two niqab-wearing women and several imams will be auditioned. Mahmoud Doua, imam and member of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (UOIF or l’Union des organisations islamiques de France) called for French Muslims to conform

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Schools bode new path for Islam in France

News Agencies – September 24, 2009 As Islam in France becomes more established with a growing number of cemeteries and mosques, new attention is being given to private Islamic religious schools. Three new Islamic schools have recently been announced – one in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, another in Marseille and a third in Toulouse. Most of these schools

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