From Magdi Allam in Lampedusa: The Revolution of the Church

July 8, 2013 Comparing Ratzinger and Bergoglio would be wrong. Also unfair. These are two Popes who we respect and appreciate. However, it is hard not to notice the images and words, which also changed in the age of communication. Personally, I still think of the scene, broadcast on television around the world, of the

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Muslims should be free to convert, says cardinal, after death threats

Leading cardinal Angelo Scola called on the Islamic world to allow individual Muslims the freedom to convert to Christianity. The call comes following the death threats posed against Italian journalist Magdi Allam, concerning his conversion from Islam to Catholicism. Scola said that no one, including Muslims could impose the identity of the community to a

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Conservative MP urges closure of al-Qaeda linked websites

Conservative Italian MP Isabella Bertolini called for authorities to clamp down on Internet website which have been found to propagate jihadist messages and encourage terrorist activities. Don’t under-estimate the danger posed by the internet said Bertolini. Such websites, including one by the name ‘Ekhlas,’ has been guilty of death threats against PM Berlusconi and Italian

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Young Muslims reject death threats against PM

Young Muslim Italians have expressed their support for journalist and recent Christian convert Magdi Allam, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, after death threats were posted against them on an al-Qaeda inspired website. The organization Young Muslims of Italy asserted that no Muslims ought to sympathize with these threats, and that The association, Young Italian Muslims,

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Christian convert Magdi Allam reacts to Islamist death threats

Magdi Allam, a Christian convert to Islam who has been targeted with death threats over apostasy, has expressed concern about these dangers and the fear that the perpetrators may be Italian. Allam’s fears were expressed concerning the large number of al-Qaeda inspired websites popping up on the internet, and the belief that some websites are

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