Muslim Council of Britain releases research judging each party’s manifesto against the ‘priorities’ of British Muslims

The Muslim Council of Britain, a national representative Muslim umbrella body with over 500 affiliated national, regional and local organisations, including mosques, charities and schools, has released research judging each major party’s manifesto against the priorities and concerns of their members from Muslim communities across the UK, which it articulated in its general elections policy platform report,

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Imams respond to ‘manifesto’ against anti-Semitism

In a recent Le Monde op-ed, a group of Muslim religious leaders offered a response to the “Manifesto ‘against the new anti-Semitism’” published recently in Le Parisien. “We, the signatories of this appeal, would first like to express our compassion for all our fellow citizens who have been directly or indirectly affected by terrorism and by the

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Muslims divided on manifesto against ‘new anti-Semitism’

Reactions to the Parisien‘s publication of a “manifesto against the new anti-Semitism” came swiftly. The piece was signed by 300 signatories, who denounced growing anti-Semitism brought about by “Islamist radicalization.” Written by Philippe Val, the former director of Charlie Hebdo, the text denounces an “insidious ethnic cleansing” in some neighborhoods. “In our recent history, eleven Jews have

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Muslim women’s dress takes centre-stage again in German debate

Counterterrorism and the burqa Following the twin attacks in Würzburg and Ansbach in July, a group of conservative interior ministers from Germany’s federal states have published a manifesto demanding enlarged competences for police, army, judiciary, and intelligence services. The politicians from the CDU/CSU party also demand the retraction of laws easing the acquisition of dual

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Mustafa Maya, a convert that defended the Taliban treatment of women

March 15, 2014   Mustafa Maya Amaya, alleged leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist cell dismantled yesterday by a police operation is an old acquaintance in Malaga. His name came to the fore a month after the attacks of September 11, 2001. All eyes turned also to him when he placed outside a local Mosque

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