Anti-Islamic extremist Martin Sellner, linked to Christchurch shooter, permanently banned from entering the UK.

Martin Sellner, an anti-Islamic extremist, has been permanently excluded from entering the UK. Sellner is the Austrian leader of Generation Identity, an organisation which is being investigated in Austria over links to the Christchurch shooting suspect. Austrian authorities have been investigating Sellner’s connections to Brenton Tarrant, who is currently on trial for the murder of 51

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Far-right figurehead, Tommy Robinson, jailed after violating suspended sentence for videoing Muslims

The former leader of the far-right group the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, has been jailed for thirteen months for breaking contempt of court laws with a Facebook Live video that could prejudice an ongoing trial. His supporters have protested his imprisonment, and Donald Trump Jr. has leant his support to their cause.

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