The government doesn’t know what to do about the Muslim Council of Britain’s boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day

    On Monday, The Guardian reported that the Muslim Council of Britain has boycotted the “Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration in protest at the Israeli offensive in Gaza this month”. This was , as the government had made clear that attendance at Holocaust Memorial Day was a “significant factor” in the government’s view as to whether the…

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      Muslims need to take part: Palestinian dispossession is a reason to participate in Holocaust Memorial Day, not boycott it

      The freedom for Muslims to express their identity in Europe is today under attack. Implicit in this attack is the view that Islam is intrinsically repressive, and embodies values alien to western values of liberty, tolerance and democracy. The memory of the Holocaust stands against such a grossly sanitised view of European history. It reminds…

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        Kelly Challenges Muslim Groups

        Ruth Kelly yesterday challenged Muslim groups who have boycotted Holocaust Memorial Day, in a speech warning Islamic organisations that sitting on the sidelines in the struggle against extremism was “not good enough”. The communities secretary announced that funding for groups would depend on their willingness to take a lead on the issue, and defended the…

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