Amid concern about Anjem Choudary’s release from prison, Ed Husain writes that the discourse of the Labour leadership is fuelling Islamist extremism

Writing in The Telegraph, Ed Husain says that the case of Anjem Choudary, the Islamist hate preacher who is due to be released from jail next month, demonstrates that the West “still has no answer to the Islamist ideal of the Caliphate”. He goes onto suggest that the discourse of the Labour leadership is fuelling Islamist extremism.

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Director General of MI5 warns of “unprecedented” danger of Islamist terrorism

MI5 Director General, Andrew Parker, has told a symposium of his European counterparts in Berlin that Islamist terrorism represents an “unprecedented” danger to the EU, along with the threat of Russian aggression.

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Manchester bomber came from strict Salafi family and was radicalised by family of al-Qaeda terrorist, according to his cousin

In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Times, a cousin of Salman Abedi, the bomber responsible for the 2017 Manchester terror attack, discusses Abedi’s radicalisation. He says Abedi came from a strict Salafi family and was radicalised by family of an al-Qaeda terrorist.

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Spy watchdog: UK under threat from jihadi bomb makers with ‘devilish technical skill’

July 5, 2014 Britain faces a new attack from jihadi bomb makers with the skill to make explosive devices concealed in mobile phones and tablet computers, parliament’s intelligence watchdog says today. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, warns that the British public has grown complacent about the threat of a

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British jihadist warns life is hard in Syria and hundreds return to UK

February 17, 2014   A British fanatic in Syria has warned would-be jihadists that fighting in the war-torn country is “more difficult than people think”. The unidentified man said being a Muslim warrior was more than just putting on a “tactical vest and grab a Kalashnikov and get a big beard”. He also attacked the

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