Even the Islamists of ISIS are obsessing over Ferguson

August 21, 2014 They’re hoping to use black disenchantment as a recruiting tool. You can understand if President Obama would rather talk about the fight against Islamic State militants in Iraq, where he has scored some victories, than talk about the unholy mess in Ferguson, Mo. Surprisingly, though, ISIS militants are following developments in the

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CAIR Asks Imams to Devote Sermons to Racial Equality in Response to Missouri Police Shooting

August 14, 2014 CAIR today called on imams (prayer leaders) nationwide to devote at least a portion of their khutbas (sermons) for tomorrow’s weekly congregational prayers (jummah) to the issues of racial equality and social justice. That request comes in the wake of racial turmoil resulting from the fatal police shooting on Saturday of 18-year-old

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Muslim cabbie sues St. Louis, taxicab commission over clothing rules

St. Louis – A Muslim taxicab driver is suing the city of St. Louis, the Metropolitan Taxicab Commission and a private security company, saying he has been harassed and arrested because he insists on wearing religious garb. Raja Awais Naeem, who works for Harris Cab and manages a shuttle service called A-1 Shuttle, says his religious

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Man confesses to Missouri mosque and clinic fires, prosecutors say

October 22, 2013   A Missouri man has confessed to twice trying to set a Planned Parenthood Clinic on fire and also admitted to setting a blaze that destroyed a mosque in the same town in 2012, federal prosecutors said in court documents filed on Monday. When Jedediah Stout, 29, was charged Friday with two

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Shariah 101: What is it and why do states want to ban it?

North Carolina lawmakers on Wednesday (July 24) approved a bill to prohibit judges from considering “foreign laws” in their decisions, but nearly everyone agrees that “foreign laws” really means Shariah, or Islamic law. North Carolina now joins six other states — Oklahoma, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, and Tennessee — to pass a “foreign laws”

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