Observers call on CSIS to better reintegrate terrorists in Canadian prisons

News agencies – January 4, 2013   When Public Safety Minister Vic Toews announced the return to Canada of Omar Khadr in September 2012, he said he was confident that the convicted war criminal would receive “appropriate programming” in prison to ensure his safe re-integration into society. Yet, when Postmedia News submitted an access-to-information request

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Canadian Supreme Court reviews first conviction under anti-terrorism act

CBC News – June 11, 2012   In 2004, Mohammad Momin Khawaja became the first Canadian charged under Canada’s anti-terrorism act. He was convicted four years later and is now serving a life sentence. The Supreme Court of Canada will soon begin a review of the case. On March 29, 2004 police arrested Momin Khawaja

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Khawaja appeals first Canadian terror conviction

The first Canadian to be sentenced under the country’s new anti-terrorism legislation will appeal against his conviction, his lawyer says. Pakistan-born Momin Khawaja was convicted of involvement in a foiled fertilizer bomb plot in Britain and sentenced to 10 years and six months. He was found guilty in October 2008 by a judge in Ontario,

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Accused Canadian Terrorist Did Not Target Britain, Says Defense Lawyer

The defense lawyer of Momin Khawaja, a Pakistani-born Canadian citizen, accused of collaborating with a group of British Muslims who in 2004 sought to bomb British buildings and natural gas grids, told the Ontario Superior Court that his client’s case should be thrown out. Attorney Lawrence Greenspon presented a motion requesting that the terrorism charges

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Woman in Ottawa Funnels Funds to Britain in Alleged Terrorist Financing Scheme

In this Ottawa trial last week, it was revealed that former software designer Momin Khawaja used an Ottawa-area woman to funnel funds to colleagues in an alleged terrorist financing scheme. Zenab Armandpisheh testified she met Mr. Khawaja in the fall of 2002 in an Internet chat room when she was an 18-year-old college student, but

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