Veiled women protest against exclusion

Liberation Veiled Muslim women protested on Saturday in Central Paris against the exclusion of mothers who wear veils (hijab) from public institutions. The Muslim women joint together with the ‘Mamans toutes égales’ (Mothers are all equal) collective, which was founded in 2011 by Muslim and non-Muslim parents in Montreuil, following the exclusion of a Muslim

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Debate on the Full-Face Veil in Montreuil, France Becomes Heated

A debate organized by Ni Putes Ni Soumises (NPNS, Neither Whores Nor Submissives) on the full-face veil in France in Montreuil was intervened by police. Approximately 100 people gathered in a primary school, later interrupted by members of the pro-Palestinian association, Cheikh Yassine. As the debate became heated, several attendees became involved in a physical

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“Radical” imam in Seine-Saint-Denis, France deported to Egypt

According to French Minister of the Interior Brice Hortefeux, Ali Ibrahim El Soudany, an imam in Seine-Saint-Denis, is a “radical Islamicist” preaching “violence”. For these reasons, El Soudany has been deported back to his native Egypt. El Soudany, born in 1973, preached in several mosques in the east of Paris in the 18th and 19th

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Building New Mosques Encounters Resistance in Europe

Islam is Europe’s second largest religion. But in recent years, some members of Europe’s 20 million strong Muslim community have met strong resistance as they seek to build mosques and minarets, the basic tangible foundation of their faith. Paris suburb of Montreuil offers a colorful study of immigration in France. There are Asian supermarkets and

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Head of Mosque in Montreuil Seeks to Purchase the Buildings

The person responsible for a mosque in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) requested the tribunal of Bobigny to restrict ownership of the buildings where his prayer halls were built in 1995 so that he can purchase them. The transaction between Mohammed Ta_four and Marie-Louise Duport, the current owner of the buildings, has stalled since 1996 by the pre-emption

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