A Portrait of Mohammed Taïfour: the Sheik of Montreuil and Founder of a Mosque School

    This article presents Mohammed Ta_four, a Sunni sheik who opened the first Islamic Cultural Center East of Paris in 1994. Of Algerian-origin, in 2008 Ta_four purchased a series of buildings to expand his Mosque School. Ta_four is characterized in the article as being a learned man who among the Arabic books on his bookshelf, enjoys…

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      RVW L’édification de deux mosquées retardée à Marseille et à Montreuil

      By St_phanie Le Bars La construction de la mosqu_e de Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) sera finalement retard_e. Le tribunal administratif de Cergy-Pontoise a annul_ le bail emphyt_otique sign_ entre la municipalit_ et l’association musulmane porteuse du projet. Le jugement a _t_ rendu public lundi 25 juin par Patricia Vayssi_re, _lue du Mouvement national r_publicain (MNR) de la…

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        Hijab and Fashion Statements in Paris

        Kenza Refsi, 18, furtively breaks away from a cluster of friends near her high school and with a shy smile that exposes her braces, she agrees to discuss why her teachers won’t let her dress the way she wants. It’s not that she wants to wear a thong with low-riding pants, or a nose ring,…

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