Woolwich attack: Scotland Yard monitoring radical cleric Anjem Choudary’s proclamations

Scotland Yard is closely watching radical cleric Anjem Choudary to see if his proclamations break the law, one of the force’s most senior officers told MPs today. The former spokesman for the now-banned Islamist group Islam4UK, who admitted knowing one of the men charged with the soldier’s murder, is also understood to be receiving police

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David Cameron: We will ‘drain the swamp’ which allows Muslim extremists to flourish

The Prime Minister told MPs he would do more to tackle the “conveyor belt to radicalisation” which is poisoning the minds of young Muslims. He told MPs: “it is not simply enough to target and go after violent extremists after they’ve become violent. We have to drain the swamp in which they inhabit.” This meant

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The truth about the ‘wave of attacks on Muslims’ after Woolwich murder

Fiyaz Mughal runs a project called Tell Mama, which receives £214,000 a year from the Government to monitor anti-Muslim attacks in Britain. In the wake of Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder, he has been understandably busy.   The media, especially the BBC, have accepted the claims without question. A presenter on Radio 4’s influential Today programme

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Dutch AIVD Information Prevents al-Qaeda Attack

April 16 2013   Dutch security service AIVD has said in a briefing to MPs that it passed information on to foreign security services which helped foil an al-Qaeda attack. According to the briefing the information gathered at the end of last year led to the “arrest of three al-Qaeda terrorists who were sent to

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Dutch-Turkish MPs Call for Muslim Foster Parents to “Take Responsibility”

March 18 2013   Two Dutch MPs of Turkish origin have called on more Muslim families to volunteer as foster parents. The comments follow recent unease in Turkey about a lesbian couple fostering a boy born to Muslim parents. The MPs used social media networks to spread a message asking Islamic parents to “stop taking

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