Krekar approves the decision of being detained for another eight weeks

It was reported last Wednesday that Mulla Krekar’s detention had been extended for another eight weeks. He accepts the decision made by the District Court in Oslo, which also informed the public that his case will be decided in a minor court hearing. Krekar’s defendant Arvis Sjöding informed the Aftonposten (Evening Newspapers) that Krekar understood

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Ansar al-Islam in Wikileaks Documentary

November 2, 2010 Documents concerning the Islamist group Ansar al-Islam (nowadays also known as Ansar al-Sunna) released by Wikileaks, claim that the group is behind a number of beheadings, threats, and car bombs in Iraq. Ansar al-Islam was founded by Mulla Krekar, who is living in Norway since 1991. He has not been granted Norwegian

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Controversial Muslim leader Mulla Krekar attacked

Controversial Muslim leader Mulla Krekar was attacked this week. Shots rang through a window to Krekar’s appartment in Oslo, injuring his son-in-law in the arm. Mulla Krekar, or Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, is an Iraqi Kurd and has been living in Norway since 1991. He has not been granted Norwegian citizenship. Krekar is known as one

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