Judge finds District’s rules for hanging political posters unconstitutional

A federal judge on Thursday struck down as unconstitutional the District’s regulations for hanging political signs on the city’s lampposts. U.S. District Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth’s opinion finds that the rules governing how long signs can be posted in the District violate the First Amendment, and it prevents the city from enforcing the regulations.

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A Planned Mosque Inches Along, but Critics Remain

A cluster of young Muslims in matching yellow T-shirts and broad smiles handed out free school supplies to a line of needy families in front of a gated construction site in the waning days of summer. Across the quiet residential street, two men glared at them, holding up protest signs. The narrow avenue divided the

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Pool of American imams too small to meet the demand

SHARON, Mass. — The Islamic Center of New England has always been led by imams born outside America. The two-campus mosque would like to change that, but it’s proving harder than leaders had thought. The ICNE’s mosque here on the South Shore of Boston has been without an imam since 2006, when the last imam

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Muslims battle to be official voice of U.S. Islam

As president of the Phoenix-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy, an eight-year-old group that twins conservative and Islamic values, Zuhdi Jasser is no fan of the more visible Council on American-Islamic Relations. Washington-based CAIR and too many other U.S. Muslim groups, Jasser says, are soft on extremism and advocate a form of “political Islam.” The

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Harvard Longwood Muslims: Declaration

As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah Dear All, The Muslim American Society welcomes the news of the demise of Osama bin Laden. The intentional killing of civilians for political ends is terrorism, and this has been the mode of operation of Al Qaeda as directed by Osama bin Laden. We pray that this development leads to

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