A Muslim party will candidate to Parlament Elections

14 August 2012 The Catalunya Òmnium-Muslim[1] party formed in late 2011 – will be presented at the forthcoming elections to the Parliament, which will be held in 2014 – in order to bring together the votes of Muslim immigrants living in Catalunya. The president of the far-right formation Plataforma per Catalunya (PXC), Josep Anglada, regretted

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Dutch Muslim Party Dissolves

25 June 2012   The Dutch Muslim Party (NMP) has dissolved, following the resignation of leaders Henny Kreeft and Jacques Visser. The two men, converts to Islam, started the party in 2007 with the purpose of decreasing the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims. The party had little electoral success, winning no seats in the 2010

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Muslims are not Welcome in the Christian Party

Thursday 9, 2010 Bjarte Ystebø, editor in the Christian paper Idag, speaks out against Muslims joining the Norwegian Christian Democratic Party (KrF). Christianity and Islam hold very different values, he says, and the kinship between them is greatly exaggerated. Christianity promotes freedom, human rights and pluralism, he continues, while Islam stands for just the opposite.

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The Muslim party ‘signs up’ a Christian woman as their leader in Catalonia

PRUNE (Partido Renacimiento y Unión de España) has elected a Christian woman as a leader in Catalonia. PRUNE is a political party lead by Mostafa Bakkach, a Spaniard with Moroccan origins. PRUNE members have a different type of political ideology; with different religious skills and they are open to considering everyone who wishes to participate

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Proposed union between Muslim Party and Socialist Party in Ceuta called off

The Socialist Party (PSOE) and the Muslim Party (UCDE) of Ceuta have refused to go ahead with their proposed union. Both political groups were discussing the possibility of a union as an alternative to the current local right-wing dominated city government. The UCDE demanded, as a condition of the union, control of either the Local

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