University of Toronto gets Muslim chaplain who hopes to fight stereotypes

News Agencies – September 28, 2012   The University of Toronto hired its first full-time Muslim chaplain and the man taking up the post hopes to combat stereotypes surrounding the faith. Amjad Tarsin is a 28-year-old of Libyan descent who hails from Ann Arbour, Mich. He began to devote himself to the religion when he

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Opinion Piece by Jonathan Kay who suggests Islamophobia exists in Canada

The National Post – June 19, 2012 This opinion piece captures Jonathan Kay’s talk as a panelist at the “Message of Peace: Countering Islamophobia” conference, hosted by the University of Toronto’s Muslim Students’ Association and ICNA Canada. He says, “Contrary to what some pundits argue, I do believe Islamophobia is a real phenomenon. Which is

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Montreal Islamic group defends itself by saying message is misunderstood

CTV – October 21, 2011 An Islamic group whose presence in Montreal sparked controversy has insisted that its message has been misunderstood. The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) is a UK-based group that describes itself on its website as an “international dawah organization committed to educating and informing humanity about the truth and noble

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Tensions rise on Canadian university campuses with Israel Apartheid Week

As hostilities in Gaza cooled off last month, tensions on campuses across Canada have heated up with “Israel Apartheid Week.” At Toronto’s Ryerson University, left-leaning teachers and students hosted a conference called “Gaza: War? Occupation? Apartheid?” the lead-up to Israel Apartheid Week. More tensions have arisen at Toronto’s York University. At York, two police forces

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