Proposal to make handshakes mandatory for Danish citizenship criticized for targeting Muslims

Criticism of a proposal by Denmark’s ruling right-wing coalition, which requires a handshake as part of a citizenship naturalization ceremony, is growing because of its deliberate targeting of Muslims, some of whom place a hand on their chest during the ceremony for religious reasons. The proposal is the latest in a series of anti-Muslim policies in the country.

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Muslim Politician Is Messenger of Change

By Manfred Ertel In Denmark of all places — the country with Europe’s toughest immigration laws — a Muslim member of parliament has become a rising star on the political scene. Now he wants to shake up traditional Danish politics with his new party. Is this the kind of man Danish voters are pinning their

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New Alliance born in Denmark

On Monday, the New Alliance, under Dutch Parliamentarian Naser Khader, split from the social-liberal party, the Radical Venstre (RV). Khaser is an advocate of free speech and Muslim dialogue. His political maneuver is designed to combat the right-wing Danish People’s Party, which has taken increasingly antagonistic positions against foreigners. Syrian-born Khader gained national attention during

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Popular to Compare Islamism to Nazism

One year after the publication of the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed in the conservative newspaper Jyllands Posten, the critique of Islam has never been so popular in Denmark. In their publication, Karen Jespersen and Ralf Pittelkow describe islamism as a “totalitarian ideologie, mortally dangerous” that they compare to nazism and communism. {(continued below in

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Denmark: Danish PM To Meet With New “Democratic Muslims” Group

A movement in response to the storm of protest that erupted after the publishing of the Danish caricatures of Mohammed has been started by a group of Danish MPs, among whom there are several Turks. The movement, called “The Democratic Muslim Foundation,” is being headed up by ethnically Lebanese Danish citizen Naser Khader, who is

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