White House releases public/private guidelines

WASHINGTON — A new White House report that offers guidance on public/private partnerships between the government and faith-based groups leaves critical questions unanswered and does not resolve the issue of religious groups’ ability to discriminate in hiring and firing, church-state watchdogs said. The 50-page report, issued Friday (April 28), comes 18 months after President Obama

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German Muslims Identify More With Germany Than the General Public

A new report published today by Gallup and the Coexist Foundation shows that German Muslims identify more with Germany than the general public do. The report, The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations, is the first annual report on the state of faith relations in countries around the world and reveals

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Muslim woman’s appointment as Obama advisor draws optimism in US-Muslim relations

Dalia Mogahed, a senior executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, was appointed to Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The selection by Mogahed is viewed by many Muslims in the US and many in the Middle East as a step by the Obama Administration to move beyond the stereotypes and

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