Michigan Case Adds U.S. Dimension to Debate on Genital Mutilation

NYT Op ED: The arrest of 3 doctors in Michigan for performing female genital mutilation prompted Tasneem Raja, 34, a journalist, to write about being cut in New Jersey. She said she had received “an outpouring of emails from people saying thank you.” “This Michigan case made me think I want to speak out,” said Nazia

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Aziz Ansari: Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family

Today, with the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and others like him spewing hate speech, prejudice is reaching new levels. It’s visceral, and scary, and it affects how people live, work and pray. It makes me afraid for my family. It also makes no sense. Xenophobic rhetoric was central to Mr. Trump’s campaign long before

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Bloomberg: “Muslim Groups Seek To Revive New York Police Surveillance Suit”

Sophia Pearson for Bloomberg: “Muslim groups seeking to revive a lawsuit over a New York City Police Department surveillance program of mosques and businesses faced tough questions from appeals judges about terrorism and skepticism from an attorney for the city about the program’s very existence. Several Muslims sued New York in June 2012 in Newark, New Jersey, federal court claiming police

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Civil rights groups appeal ruling allowing NYPD to spy on Muslims

March 21, 2014   (RNS) Muslim Advocates and the Center for Constitutional Rights on Friday (March 21) appealed a federal judge’s ruling that affirmed the right of the New York City Police Department to spy on Muslims based on their faith and ethnicity. Last month, Newark U.S. District Judge William Martini rejected charges of illegal

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Marvel Comics introduces 16-year-old Muslim girl as new superhero

November 6, 2013   Comic-book connoisseurs will recognise the name Ms Marvel as the superhero alter ego of a blonde, blue-eyed and busty former US Air Force Major named Carol Danvers. But following her removal from the role by Marvel Comics last year, a more progressive successor has been found: Kamala Khan is the 16-year-old

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