French artist arrested for wearing a French-flag burqa

News Agencies – June 21, 2011 Yohan, AKA ‘Yo du Milieu’, a French artist from Caen, was recently arrested during a protest for ‘insulting the flag’ by wearing a flag burqa. At the protest Yohan played ‘Nadine Amouk’, a ‘spokesperson for French Muslims, transsexuals and patriots’. He says he meant to humor, not insult, and

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Mohammed Moussaoui Expected to be Elected as CFCM President on Sunday

News Agencies – June 17, 2011   As the Council Election for the CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Faith) approaches on 19 June, the organisation meant to represent Islam here is torn apart by rivalries, boycotts and bitter attacks. It appears that incumbent Mohammed Moussaoui will be returned as head of the French Council

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