Islamophobic candidates are big losers in 2012 election

Friday, 11.09.2012, 06:39pm Several candidates for Congressional elections known for making anti-Islam statements were defeated during this week’s election, much to the delight of American Muslims and tolerant U.S. residents in general who have grown tired of the unwelcoming climate. “These encouraging results clearly show that mainstream Americans reject anti-Muslim bigotry by candidates for public

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Obama gives people reason to believe he’s Muslim, Gingrich says

Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Friday that President Obama gives people reason to believe that he’s a Muslim. The statement, which Gingrich made at a campaign event in Port Fourchon, La., comes as the former House speaker is struggling to stay relevant in the Republican presidential nominating contest. The comment marks the second time this

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Newt Gingrich ramping up rhetoric on Islam

After a month of sparring with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, Gingrich has returned to more comfortable territory — criticizing President Obama with language more incendiary than his rivals would dare to use. In Georgia Tuesday, he called Obama “so pro-Islamic that [he] can’t even tell the truth about the people who are trying to

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Clinton tells Muslims that GOP campaign rhetoric doesn’t reflect US policy

TUNIS, Tunisia — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton advised an audience in Tunisia on Saturday to “not pay attention” to the comments made by candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination, saying the often overheated rhetoric of the campaign doesn’t reflect U.S. policy. Speaking at a town-hall style event in Tunisia, the North

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A Group to Counter Anti-Islam Sentiment

As anti-Muslim rhetoric rises locally and nationally — some of it fueled by the presidential campaign — a group of Chicago-area Muslims is battling back, using tactics including a television ad campaign and public forums against bigotry. Gain Peace, an Islamic outreach organization based in Chicago, spent $40,000 in December to counter negative portrayals and

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