New poll finds Americans evenly divided in views of Muslims

Americans are almost evenly divided in how they view Muslims, according to a survey released Thursday (Aug. 23) by the Arab American Institute in Washington. But the online survey, which also gauged views on Mormons, Jews, Catholics, evangelicals, Buddhists and Hindus also found a striking generational gap and significant differences between political groups. “The American

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Why basketball is Muslims’ favorite sport

For many Muslim Americans, college and professional basketball provides heroes they can take pride in, symbols of affirmation at a time when they face hostility from some Americans. And it serves as a way to develop fellowship with their fellow believers while reaching out to non-Muslims. “Every Muslim community I go to, there’s this obsession

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Massachusetts man charged with plotting to fly explosives into Pentagon ordered held on bail

WORCESTER, Mass. — A federal judge has denied bail for a Massachusetts man accused of plotting to fly remote-controlled model planes packed with explosives into the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol. The judge said in the decision issued Monday that 26-year-old Rezwan Ferdaus is a “danger to the community” with a “dedication to his cause.”

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