Dutch Muslims sending children to Egypt for education

NRC Handelsblad has run a feature article exploring why Dutch-Egyptian parents are sending their children to school in Egypt. Three hundred children from Amsterdam were sent to schools in Egypt last year- twice as many as to Morocco. Education minister Sharon Dijkstra is concerned by the trend, which is “undesirable” because it presents an obstacle

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Erasmus University Officials Oppose Ramadan’s Dismissal

News coverage of Tariq Ramadan’s dismissal from the Rotterdam city council and Erasmus University continues this week, DutchNews reports from NRC and Volkskrant. Erasmus University in officials are angry with the decision. “’It is a politicial [sic] decision and we are shocked about it,’ economics professor Arjo Klamer said. Professors can only be sacked if

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Rotterdam Dismisses Tariq Ramadan Amidst Controversy

Following controversy regarding his participation in a television program on Iranian station Press TV, Rotterdam has fired Tariq Ramadan from his position as Integration Advisor for the city council. NRC reports that officials feel Ramadan can no longer lead dialogue in the city as he has become the central focus of debate. Ramadan has also

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Moroccan Immigrants Most Unhappy in the Netherlands

According to a survey conducted by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (http://www.ccme.org.ma/) that Moroccan immigrants to Europe are the least happy in the Netherlands. NRC reports that, according to the survey, “the relationship between society as a whole and second generation immigrants is ‘significantly more tense’” than in the other countries surveyed. Conducted

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Support for anti-immigration party grows

The number of MPs for the anti-immigration party PVV led by Geert Wilders would double to 18 if elections were held today, according to the latest internet poll by Maurice de Hond. The poll gives the PVV one more parliamentary seat than a week ago before Wilders’ call for a ban on the Koran was

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