Interview: Islam and Europe – An interview with Olivier Roy

GM: In Switzerland, a majority voted for a ban on minarets; in France and in Belgium, the Islamic headscarf is being heavily debated; in Italy the crucifix is coming under fire. And also here in Germany the debate surrounding Muslims is often hysterical. Why do Europeans fear religious symbols or “foreign” religions so much?* The

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“Full Equality before the Law for All Religions”

French political scientist Olivier Roy is one of the foremost European experts on Islam. His new book, “Holy Ignorance. When Religion and Culture Diverge”, will soon be published in English. Eren Güvercin spoke with Roy about the current Islam debate in Europe

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Olivier Roy Responds to the Geisser Affair in a Libération Interview

This article features an interview with Olivier Roy on the investigation of CNRS – employed Vincent Geisser, accused by some of holding Islamicist academic positions.

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Secularism confronts Islam

The author has already written elsewhere about the failure of political Islam because of the non-compatibility of the Islamic imaginary with the structure of the modern state. A political agenda based on Revelation will be bound to coercively suit society to law rather than the other way around. Olivier Roy, France’s leading philosopher-political scientist, disagrees

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