Olympic faithful: Ibtihaj Muhammad

Even as a kid, Ibtihaj Muhammad stood out. She was faster and stronger than her friends, and she was serious about her religion. Most of the sports she tried required physically revealing gear, in sharp contrast to the modesty her Muslim faith required. Then she discovered fencing. The sport let her express her athletic talent,

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The detained terrorists intended to attack Gibraltar

06 August 2012   The alleged Russian Chechen Islamists arrested last Thursday in Almuradiel (Ciudad Real) intended to attack  Gibraltar coinciding with the celebration of the Olympic Games in London, as it is clear from the research conducted by the National Court Judge Pablo Ruz, reported legal sources. This is the conclusion of researchers following

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Muslim Women find their place in the Olympics

3 August 2012   Female Muslim athletes made a historic appearance in London Olympics, not for their victories which were scored against their opponents but against widespread prejudice both from biased non-Muslims and Muslims.  Unlike their opponents Muslim females who have chosen to observe modest dress code due to religious reasons had to overcome political

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Muslims are arrested under suspicion of attacking to the Olympic Games

5 July 2012 Six British Muslims including one British convert have been arrested by the police. The suspects were held under anti-terrorism charges. They are thought to be planning to attack the Olympic Games, however, the police has not released the details about the arrests. The British security forces have been on high alert ahead

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British Muslim athlete to reconciles his religious obligation and participation in the Olympic Games

16 June 2012   Moe Sbihi, a member of British Olympic squad found it difficult to participate in the games when he realized that he would have to fast while he is competing in the games. He then sought the opinion of the Muslim scholars and was given alternative options to discharge his religious duty

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